Stacie Faulds

Associate Vice President of Marketing


Stacie joined Cruise Planners in 2016 and oversees a passionate team of marketing professionals and graphic designers who voraciously, and creatively, develop an ever-evolving portfolio of consumer marketing programs designed to inspire the desire to travel, drive inquiries, and keep advisors top of mind with their customers. Stacie’s prior experience includes 22 years at the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau in tourism marketing.

Hometown: Saratoga and Rochester areas of New York

Hobbies: Love to cook (and eat), attend every concert I can, and play fantasy football

Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere the cruise ship is taking me!

Bucket List: New Zealand

My Cruisitude® Definition: Embracing life, travel, and profession with enthusiasm and positivity.

Fun Facts: I travel for stars – Michelin stars! Love the surprise factor that comes with an elaborate tasting menu experience.