Thinking About Switching to Cruise Planners?
Call 1 (888) 582-2150 to discuss your transition.

  • Are you an experienced travel advisor doubting your current host agency?
  • Are you worried about stability OR see signs of poor leadership during a crisis?
  • Do you think working with a larger franchise is a more sustainable route?

At Cruise Planners, seasoned travel professionals have been switching over for years. Some want more security, greater commissions, better technology, and true support - in good and bad times. And that's why we're here to welcome you aboard.

Download the Transition Benefit Checklist below before speaking to a Franchise Development Manager (FDM). 

transition benefits checklist 07112024



What to Demand 
from Your Current
Host Agency:

  • Changes to cancellation policies for all major suppliers.
  • Frequent webinars with supplier executives to stay informed.
  • Info about small business and tax relief opportunities.
  • On-time payments for ALL commissions.
  • Waived monthly fees and access to some financial relief. 
  • Relevant marketing tools to address existing customer concerns.
  • Access to a dedicated coach for help sustaining your business.
  • A recognizable brand that communicates stability and trust.
  • Technology to keep track of your clients and, specifically, FCCs.